Fees are due on the first day of term. We reserve the right to charge £10 for any reminders sent.
After the first term at Musical Originals, a term’s notice in writing of withdrawal from class is required; without this full fees for the term will be charged.
If a class has to cancelled by Musical Originals, we will make up the missed lesson at another time.
Musical Originals is registered with the Jersey Information Commissioner and complies fully with data protection requirements
We aim to operate all classes physically but will move classes on to ‘Zoom’ if Government rules so require.
Your child’s attendance at class is confirmation of your acceptance of these terms and conditions
After the first term at Musical Originals, a term’s notice in writing of withdrawal from class is required; without this full fees for the term will be charged.
If a class has to cancelled by Musical Originals, we will make up the missed lesson at another time.
Musical Originals is registered with the Jersey Information Commissioner and complies fully with data protection requirements
We aim to operate all classes physically but will move classes on to ‘Zoom’ if Government rules so require.
Your child’s attendance at class is confirmation of your acceptance of these terms and conditions